Friday, December 12, 2008

My Hall Of Fame

So Ive been a bit down and out over my under confidence as a blogger. Today I've been reading so many amazingly written and interesting blogs that i feel like i will never be on par. I have even taken it as far as googling blogging tips. Among my many findings is to try to post something everyday to keep your readers interested and checking back for more. Now, you may notice that this is my second post in one day, so i may be a bit over ambitious with this advice, but that was earlier in the day while i was hard at work (err....hardly working).

I also found that readers enjoy viewing pictures. AHA! In an attempt to boost my confidence I have decided to share with you some of what i consider my best work with my aspiring photography hobby.

[ Farmers Market- Minneapolis, MN]

[Engagement Portraits- St. Paul, MN]

~I hope you enjoyed these as much as i enjoyed taking them~


Lyndsay said...

Don't worry your pretty little head about blogging! I didn't start my blog with anything other than the intention of fun. Slowly, I started learning the blog-lingo and blog-culture, LOL.

The most important advice I have is to blog for YOU and because YOU want to. I got to a point where I felt pressure to be funny ... or strayed away from posting something I wanted to post, but didn't think people would enjoy. Finally I just had to say screw it and do what came naturally.

It's been so much more enjoyable since then :)

Heather said...

Thanks for the pep talk Lyndsay! :)